- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
International Influence
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration China Actor Partner
- 由联合国环境规划署和联合国粮食及农业组织推动和领导
- 自然向善在西双版纳建立的中国模式试点项目受到了恢复十年合作委员会的认可与鼓励
- Led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO).
- The China model pilot project established by Good to Nature in Xishuangbanna has been recognized and encouraged by the UN Decade Committee.
- UpLink 是世界经济论坛的开放创新平台,旨在展示创新者的高影响力解决方案或想法,以实现可持续发展目标
- 自然向善与 UpLink 合作设计和推广生物多样性挑战,并审核提交的项目
- UpLink is an open innovation platform of the World Economic Forum, aiming to surface high-impact solutions or ideas from innovators to address the SDGs.
- Good to Nature is collaborating with UpLink to design and promote the Biodiversity Challenge and review submitted solutions.
世界经济论坛 1t.org #恢复一代 Youth Hub 合作伙伴
World Economic Forum 1t.org #RestorationGeneration Youth Hub Partner
- 由世界经济论坛 1t.org “万亿棵树倡议”与全球景观论坛“青年景观倡议”合作建立
- 自然向善与Youth Hub合作激活和发展中国#恢复一代青年领导力,与全球社区紧密相连
- The Youth Hub is co-convened by 1t.org – at the World Economic Forum and Global Landscapes Forum – Youth in Landscapes Initiative.
- Good to Nature partners with the Youth Hub to activate and develop China's #RestoreGeneration youth leadership, connecting with global communities.
UN Decade Food Challenge - Kenya Eco-Restoration Model Camp Partner
- 联合国十年根据其战略任务,划分了12个关键优先领域并发起了相关挑战
- 粮食挑战的目标之一是树立“世界级生态农业旅游社区的标准实践”,肯尼亚生态恢复示范营是其中的重要项目
- Based on its strategy, the UN Decade has initiated 12 challenges in priority areas.
- One of the goals of the food challenge is to establish "world-class eco-restoration model camp." The Kenya model camp is its launchpad project.
World Rainforest Day China's First Official Partner
- 世界雨林日由雨林伙伴关系(Rainforest Partnership)于2017年创立
- 自然向善与来自全球的雨林守护者们一起,呼吁大家共同关注雨林,守护雨林
- World Rainforest Day was established by the Rainforest Partnership in 2017.
- Good to Nature joins hands with rainforest guardians worldwide to call for collective attention to and protection of rainforests.