- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration

- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration

关于自然向善探索中心 About Good to Nature
自然向善探索中心由具有独立法人资格的上海自善文化发展有限公司运营,系非营利业务。自然向善采取全志愿者模式,主要项目由来自不同社会行业的领袖和精英作为探路人 (Zleader) 主导和参与实现,专业的人做专业的事。
Good to Nature adopts an all-volunteer model as a non-profit business. Its initiatives are led and implemented by leaders and elites from different sectors as pathfinders (Zleaders), with professional people doing professional work.
Good to Nature is committed to exploring effective pathways for China's social power’s participation in tackling the planetary challenges, and realizing a world where everyone is naturally good to nature. The nature-related issues we focus on include climate change and biodiversity loss, two global hotspots that are inextricably linked to each other. To address these challenges, the GtN proposes a "3-Approach Synergy Ecosystem Restoration Solution", which is based on three approaches: nature-based, local community-based, and social sector-based, looking for real scientific methods, respecting the development needs of local communities, and exploring the ways in which different companies and individuals can participate in supporting restoration.
自然向善的愿景 Vision
A world where everyone is naturally good to nature
自然向善的使命 Mission
Explore effective pathways for China's social sectors’ participation in tackling/ addressing the planetary challenges