- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration

- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration
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- About Good to Nature
- Ecosystem Restoration

UpLink Biodiversity Challenge
2024年,世界经济论坛UpLink 举办的“生物多样性挑战赛”(Biodiversity Challenge)呼吁创新创业解决方案能够促进生物多样性的保存、保护和恢复,同时还能维持对陆地生态系统健康至关重要的服务。自然向善受邀成为了本次挑战赛的支持伙伴 (Supporting Partner)。
In 2024, UpLink’s Biodiversity Challenge called for innovative entrepreneurial solutions that promote the conservation, protection and restoration of biodiversity, while also enabling the maintenance of services that are crucial for the health of terrestrial ecosystems.
Together, UpLink, 1t.org and Good to Nature aim to support early-stage start-ups working on breakthrough technologies tackling China’s biodiversity loss to gain visibility and support from investors and partners to scale up their ventures.
This Biodiversity Challenge called for innovative solutions in 3 focus areas:
- 生物多样性监测与测量 Monitoring and measurement
- 激励需求和创新融资 Incentivizing demand and innovative financing
- 加强本地价值链 Strengthening local value chains
自然向善成功支持了UpLink生物多样性挑战赛在中国的落地,并最后选出了第一批中国的“Top Innovator”。这些方案展示了中国在生态恢复和生物多样性保护方面的创新和领导力,以及我们如何通过跨领域合作、技术创新和社会参与,实现可持续发展目标。我们期待能将更多的中国解决方案带到世界平台,让中国的自然解决方案被关注,并获得更多的世界力量助力中国生态企业的成长,共同为构建人与自然和谐共生的美丽中国贡献力量。
Good to Nature successfully supported the UpLink Biodiversity Challenge launching in China and ultimately selected the first batch of China's Top Innovators. These solutions showcase China's innovation and leadership in ecosystem restoration and biodiversity protection. Through cross-discipline collaboration, technological innovation, and social participation, we aim to achieve sustainable development goals. We look forward to bringing more Chinese solutions to the global stage, attracting global support to help Chinese eco-enterprises grow and contributing together to building a beautiful China where humans and nature live in harmony.